Meals in a Jar: Buffalo Chicken Dinner Canning Recipe

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I have identified many favorite canning recipes throughout the decades of recipe creation. Some are considered prized because of their amazing flavor, others become my favorite because of their versatility in the kitchen.

For example, my all-time favorite meal in a jar is my coveted Beef Bourguignon inspired by culinary master, Julia Child. Another is a recent gem published in my cookbook, The Canning Diva Presents Meals in a Jar – Buffalo Chicken Dinner.

In September, I had the pleasure of being invited back to Miller’s Flowers in Greenville, Ohio to educate attendees on the many benefits of learning how to pressure can food in jars. I brought with me my Buffalo Chicken Dinner for everyone to sample, and it was a HUGE hit!

Demonstrating the amazing flavors and simplicity of this American dish was another fun example of how pressure canning ensures you have delicious meals on the ready.

Buffalo Chicken Dinner Recipe

Makes about 4 quarts or 8 pints

A beloved American dish known for its bold and spicy flavor, this recipe can be made into your favorite appetizer or used in wraps and salads. It has the perfect amount of “kick” and is creamy and delicious even without dairy. Feel free to add cream cheese when reheating a jar or two to serve.


  • 5 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts (15 cups)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 red bell peppers, diced (3 cups)
  • 1 large onion, diced (1 1/2 cups)
  • 4 celery ribs, diced (1 cup)
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced (1 tablespoon)
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup ghee or butter
  • 5 cups Frank’s RedHot Original Hot Sauce
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce or coconut aminos
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 to 3 teaspoons cayenne pepper (optional)


  1. Fill a large pot halfway with water and add the chicken breasts. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and parboil the breasts for 5 minutes or until the exterior is cooked. Using tongs, remove the breasts and place them on a cutting board to cool. The chicken will not be cooked all the way through.
  2. In a separate stockpot, add the oil and turn the heat on low. Add the bell peppers, onion, celery, and garlic, mix well to coat, and then sweat for 5 minutes to soften. Cube the chicken breasts into bite-size pieces, add them to the stockpot, and mix well. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring often.
  3. In a deep saucepan, melt the ghee over medium heat. Next add the hot sauce, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, and cayenne pepper. Whisk together then add to the stockpot with the chicken mixture. Mix well to evenly coat the chicken and vegetables and blend the ingredients.
  4. Using a funnel, ladle the mixture into each jar, leaving a 1-inch headspace. Be sure to evenly distribute the sauce among the jars. Remove any trapped air pockets and add additional mixture if necessary to maintain the 1-inch headspace.
  5. Wipe the jar rims with a washcloth dipped in vinegar. Place the lid and ring on each jar and hand tighten.
  6. Process in a pressure canner at 10 PSI or according to your elevation and canner type. Process quart jars for 90 minutes and pint jars for 75 minutes.

I like to take advantage of grocery store sales during November to stock up on discounted chicken breasts to create a double batch of Buffalo Chicken Dinner for the pantry. Oh and keep in mind, if you don’t have access to breast meat, or would prefer to use dark meat, chicken thighs are a delicious substitute. You can’t go wrong!

Happy Canning!
Diane, The Canning Diva

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Buffalo Chicken Dinner Canning Recipe

Recipe by The Canning Diva
4.4 from 11 votes

4 quarts or 8 pints

Prep time



A beloved American dish known for its bold and spicy flavor, this recipe can be made into your favorite appetizer or used in wraps and salads. It has the perfect amount of “kick” and is creamy and delicious even without dairy. Feel free to add cream cheese when reheating a jar or two to serve.


  • 5 1/2 pounds 5 1/2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (15 cups)

  • 1 tablespoon 1 olive oil

  • 3 3 red bell peppers, diced (3 cups)

  • 1 large 1 onion, diced (1 1/2 cups)

  • 4 4 celery ribs, diced (1 cup)

  • 6 6 garlic cloves, minced (1 tablespoon)

  • 2 cups 2 coconut milk

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 ghee or butter

  • 5 cups 5 Frank’s RedHot Original Hot Sauce

  • 1/2 cup 1/2 soy sauce or coconut aminos

  • 3 tablespoons 3 apple cider vinegar

  • 1-3 teaspoons 1-3 cayenne pepper (optional)


  • Fill a large pot halfway with water and add the chicken breasts. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and parboil the breasts for 5 minutes or until the exterior is cooked. Using tongs, remove the breasts and place them on a cutting board to cool. The chicken will not be cooked all the way through.
  • In a separate stockpot, add the oil and turn the heat on low. Add the bell peppers, onion, celery, and garlic, mix well to coat, and then sweat for 5 minutes to soften. Cube the chicken breasts into bite-size pieces, add them to the stockpot, and mix well. Stir in the coconut milk and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring often.
  • In a deep saucepan, melt the ghee over medium heat. Next add the hot sauce, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, and cayenne pepper. Whisk together then add to the stockpot with the chicken mixture. Mix well to evenly coat the chicken and vegetables and blend the ingredients.
  • Using a funnel, ladle the mixture into each jar, leaving a 1-inch headspace. Be sure to evenly distribute the sauce among the jars. Remove any trapped air pockets and add additional mixture if necessary to maintain the 1-inch headspace.
  • Wipe the jar rims with a washcloth dipped in vinegar. Place the lid and ring on each jar and hand tighten.
  • Process in a pressure canner at 10 PSI or according to your elevation and canner type. Process quart jars for 90 minutes and pint jars for 75 minutes.


  • Take advantage of grocery store sales during November to stock up on discounted chicken breasts to create a double batch of Buffalo Chicken Dinner for the pantry. Oh and keep in mind, if you don’t have access to breast  meat, or would prefer to use dark meat, chicken thighs are a delicious substitute.

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