Admittedly, I am no domestic goddess. In fact, to be perfectly candid, I hate cooking and have never had the slightest interest in learning how to can and preserve. A busy business woman myself, I have never made the time – or had the inclination – to educate myself on how to be a diva in this department. If I am not naturally good at something, I have no desire to participate at all – or learn how to become better at it. It’s just easier to stick with what I know.
Yet, for the first time in my life, I arrived at the realization that I would actually be willing to take time away from my work and my large family; face my fears of attempting the unknown (I can’t even fry an egg) and drive over 100 miles each way – just for the chance to attend one of Diane’s canning classes. Why? Because now that SHE is involved with the canning industry, it is suddenly no longer mundane to me, but now very interesting – sexy even.
Diane makes everything exciting. She has a zest and vigor for life. Flair and panache. The Italians would say she has gusto. Would they also say she is a diva?
The Italian etymology of diva is defined as:
diva [dee-vuh, -vah] “Goddess, divine, a woman of outstanding talent, a usually glamorous and successful female personality, a star. See also,
noun: Diane Devereaux.”