As the year comes to a close, I sit back and reflect on what a wild, fantastic ride 2013 has been! When I started The Canning Diva my goal was to bridge the generational gap from those who once home canned as a way of life with those who have never learned the art of food preservation. I didn’t realize how widespread my vision would be received and the momentum I would gain so early in the season!
Thank you so much for being a part of this endeavor through your support and interest in The Canning Diva! Here is a recap of what I accomplished in 2013 and what to expect from The Canning Diva in 2014…
Canning Classes & Demonstrations
Throughout 2013, I teamed up with several culinary schools and commercial kitchens in West Michigan to hold canning classes so I could teach people canning basics as well as how to create fun recipes no one would have ever thought to preserve in a Mason jar. I also teamed up with Rylee’s Ace Hardware on Michigan St where I gave LIVE Canning Demonstrations to patrons and members of Aces in the Kitchen. It is through these partnerships I have been able to build my brand, The Canning Diva, and am happy to announce many of these partnerships will continue to strengthen in 2014!
Private Parties
I had a blast this year holding private parties! Whether I was in someone’s home kitchen during a book club or preparing a three course meal for 35 ladies at Thought Design, it gave me great pleasure seeing a group of friends get together for food, fun and canning! I look forward to expanding this area of The Canning Diva in 2014 so stay tuned!
Canning Supplies
Towards the end of 2013, I was happy to announce I would make available those hard-to-find canning tools which consisted of waterproof heat resistant mitts, a canning essentials kit and the repackaging of ClearJel which I have labeled, Canning Gel. In 2014, I am happy to announce Rylee’s Ace Hardware has agreed to carry my Canning Gel at all four (4) of their stores giving West Michigan residents a location to purchase this coveted canning ingredient without the burden of paying online shipping charges. In 2014, all of these wonderful products will be available for purchase at my online store and in person after attending my canning classes.
Corporate Wellness and Staff Development
This year The Canning Diva had fun helping corporations give their employees lessons on healthy and safe food preservation techniques as part of a Health & Wellness Program developed by the corporation to keep their employees in optimal health. I was also blessed to help organizations give back to their staff by teaching fun canning recipes and safe preservation techniques as part of their Staff Development initiatives. I look forward to expanding these efforts in 2014!
Media Exposure
My media exposure has been phenomenal and I owe a great deal to my marketing team at 834 Design & Marketing for taking a chance on a small start-up with huge ambitions and lofty goals! I am blessed to have been on WZZM Healthy You throughout the year, Fox 17, Take 5 & Company and WOOD TV’s EightWest! I have been blessed to be featured in Flavor616 Magazine and later a monthly contributing writer; Women’s Lifestyle Magazine, Natural Awakenings Magazine, Rapid Growth Media and several online blogs like The Green Result, Diets in Review and West Michigan Health. My goal for 2014 is to continue to strengthen these relationships giving viewers and readers relevant and pertinent information to help everyone learn the many benefits of safe food preservation!
Radio, Podcasts and Interactive Video
In addition to my appearances on Your Biz, Your Town 88.5FM, I have enjoyed being a weekly host on The Survival Mom Radio Network talking all things canning and preserving with listeners. I will continue to grow my following and give listeners fun recipes and tips and share relatable stories helping to make home canning a fun experience for all.
In addition to these radio appearances and podcasts, I am happy to announce in 2014 I will join the team from Around the Cabin and produce interactive video shows demonstrating canning techniques and fun recipes with viewers. These shows will be available online as well as through Roku and Google Chrome in 2014! I am happy to be a part of this amazing team teaching self-sufficient education Diva-style!
The Written Word: Blogging, e-Book and Cookbooks galore
For those of you who have read my bio, I love to write! I have been a guest blogger with Awesome Mitten and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan – A Healthier Michigan throughout 2013 and look forward to continuing writing for these two wonderful entities. On January 1, 2014, my first e-Book, A Seasonal Guide to Home Canning & Preserving, will be available for purchase and serves as a prelude to my Canning Cookbook. My goal is to have a printed cookbook available for purchase in late Spring 2014 – just in time for the canning season.
Meet The Canning Diva in 2014
For those of you who live in West Michigan and its surrounding counties, January 10th-11th is the 2nd Annual Living Well Health expo at the DeVos Place. It is a fabulous way to jump start a healthy, happy 2014!! Be sure to stop by my booth, #2111, and join in on the fun! I have attached a coupon for the show so please print and bring it with you to take advantage of the savings!
At my booth I will have an array of canning supplies available for purchase, will make available at a discounted price my Canning Gel – the only approved thickener for home canning not to mention for baking and cooking – and will have a drawing for an awesome prize valued at $115! On the last day of the show, Saturday, January 11th, I will give a LIVE demonstration at 4pm in the Meijer Show Kitchen at the expo. I will demonstrate how to home can a kitchen staple and use it to make a healthy meal. Stop over and enjoy the presentation. Recipes will be available at my booth after the show.
Thank you for your support throughout 2013! It has been a heck of a journey! I look forward to growing with you in 2014 and expanding upon my vision to teach my from the garden to the jar way-of-life worldwide! Have a blessed and prosperous New Year!
From the Garden to the Jar™ everyone~
Diane Devereaux,
The Canning Diva