The summertime in Michigan is earmarked by the luscious strawberry!  The Canning Diva has teamed up with Facility Kitchens  (a 2800 sq. ft. a commercial rental kitchen in Lowell, East on M-21-Fulton St) to offer fellow canners the opportunity to produce as many pints of her Signature Strawberry Salsa during an allotted timeframe!

On Thursday, June 13th and June 20th, canners from West Michigan can reap the benefits of a spacious commercial kitchen while having fun learning a new recipe their families will surely enjoy!

For UNDER $50, canners will be given time and resources to crank out a years supply of the Diva’s Strawberry Salsa!  Canners will need to bring their own ingredients and jars/rings/lids – however, Facility Kitchens will provide food prep and processing supplies, facility space and utilities, not to mention, the Canning Diva will be onsite to share her knowledge and keep production moving forward!

There are two time slots available each Thursday so be sure to check the Calendar and purchase the time slot which best suits your schedule.

Check here for my recipe and ingredient list.  We look forward to seeing you there!

The Canning Diva~

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