Sometimes simple is better. Stewed tomatoes can be used in many ways so having a couple jars of stewed tomatoes can come in handy in the kitchen.

Good ‘Ol Stewed Tomatoes

16 cups of tomatoes, cored and chopped – I leave the skins on

1 cup celery, chopped – leaves and all

1 medium onion, chopped

1 tbsp sugar, raw or unbleached

2 tbsp of fresh garlic, minced

2 tsp salt

Lemon juice – to use during hot packing process to use during the hot packing process

In a large stainless steel stock pot, combine all ingredients, less the lemon juice, and bring to a boil on medium-high heat. While stirring, allow to gently boil for 5 minutes to thoroughly blend each flavor.

Jar Prep: Because we are hot packing the stewed tomatoes, be sure your jars have been resting in hot water in the sink. Just prior to hot packing, add lemon juice to each empty hot jar: 1 tbsp for pints and 2 tbsp for quarts.

Add hot stewed tomatoes using a slotted spoon, ensuring each jar has a generous 1” head space. Ladle in juice from the mixture being sure to maintain the 1” head space. If you prefer your stewed tomatoes to be more liquid in content, feel free to ladle the stewed tomatoes into your jars being sure to keep the 1” headspace.

Wipe each jar rim and screw band with a warm wash cloth prior to securing lids and rings. Place sealed jars in your pressure canner being sure the water completely covers the tops of each jar. Allow steam to vent for 10 minutes, then close vent. Heat until reaching 10 pounds of pressure, then process pints for 15 minutes and quarts for 20 minutes.

After processing time has been reached, turn off the heat. Allow the pressure in the canner to reach zero on its own, which usually take about 30 minutes. Remove canner lid and allow jars to set for 10 minutes inside canner.

Remove jars to a draft free location in your kitchen to cool down completely before washing, labeling and storing.

Pressure Canner Lid Removal Tip
: When removing the pressure canner lid, tilt the lid up and outward so that the lid is used as a shield to protect your face and hands from the steam. Hold the lid until all the steam has dissipated. Take a step backward and set the lid down in a designated area. DO NOT rake the lid and your hands over the top of your pressure canner – especially while steam rises from the canner!!! I learned the lid removal process the hard way!! Steam burns! 🙂


The Canning Diva


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